Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of January

Here it is the end of January. It has been a nice and peaceful month, in all honesty. Nick and I have been staying at home or going for local hikes on our days off, just saving some money for our next trip.
I am excited, we are starting to plan for a trip to San Francisco for the Bay to Breakers run in May, that should be a blast. I am also trying to convince him to go to San Diego for a couple of days in March for his Spring Break. :-) More than anything however, I am planning a trip to Syracuse, NY. I miss it so much. I was originally trying to plan my trip while it would be nice and cool and cold, however I realized there is more to do when it is gross and hot there. :-) I really would like to go sailing with my friend Melissa, and show Nick all around Syracuse. He has never been there before, and I am trying very hard to convince him going is a good idea.
Still chugging away at school for now, working out and in general trying to remain stress free. For now it is a beautiful day outside, I think I will go sit in the sun and give Benny some of my undivided attention.

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